How it works

I offer online or telephone sessions for clients from anywhere in the UK; my online sessions will often be from the studio you see pictured here. Face to face sessions are available at my consulting room at the Library Rooms, 59 High Street, Totnes TQ9 5PB.

First steps

Please contact me via the contact form on this website, email or telephone (WhatsApp or text is fine) to arrange an initial session. From then you can decide to work shorter or longer term; my standard offer is weekly sessions but fortnightly work is also possible if this suits you better. Sessions will usually be at the same regular time, with some flexibility to fit around busy lives if necessary.


My hourly rate is on a sliding scale between £30 and £50, depending on what you feel you can afford to pay. Sessions for those in full time education are charged at £20 per hour.

‘For here rolls the sea, and even here lies the other shore waiting to be reached – yes, here is this everlasting present, not distant, not anywhere else’

Rabindranath Tagore